SIRIUN: Unleash new video

Vocalist/Guitarist Alexandre Castellan had this to say of the clip: "The video is about the […]
April 24, 2015

Vocalist/Guitarist Alexandre Castellan had this to say of the clip:

"The video is about the alchemical concept of turning lead into gold. That concept can also be an analogy for a search for internal perfection and spiritual enlightenment. It speak about the mental transmutation as described by Hermetic Knowledge: "Mind (as well as metals and elements) may be transmuted, from state to state; degree to degree; condition to condition; pole to pole; vibration to vibration. True Hermetic Transmutation is a Mental Art."--The Kybalion. The choice of Niklas to helm the video was perfect! He created astonishing work and we are more than happy with the end result!"

Video can be found here -

Pure Grain Audio have said this about the band: "From the bludgeoning close to "Transmutation" to the thunderous, juddering riffing that peppers "Intent," there is no getting away from the fact that the backbone of this sound is brutal, modern metal, but the use of acoustic guitars, South American influences and intelligent, progressive complexities give the material something for fans of intelligent metal music to really sink their teeth into."

Hailing from Rio De Janeiro, Brazilian progressive metallers Siriun have wasted no time making friends and fans in all the right places.

Founded by guitarist/vocalist Alexandre Castellan in 2014 as a way to give life to his musical ideas, he decided that if he were to give his creation the power it needed he required the best. Enter world renowned drummer Kevin Talley (Six Feet Under, Daath, Feared, Suffocation, Devil Driver, BattleCross, etc), alongside Castellan's longtime friend Hugo Machado on bass, the power trio have succeeded in knocking out a quality masterclass in forward thinking extremity.

Their debut, "In Chaos We Trust", which has received excellent reviews in both the US and Europe, possess all the fire and bite of Sepultura with the technical prowess of Nevermore and a keen emphasis on their native Latin influences and a flair for jazz. A must for fans of classic thrash and modern progressive metal, Siriun are a band that warrant and deserve your attention.

Tom Brumpton/Polymath
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