SINNERATOR: Started recording the bass lines for their debut album

The SINNERATOR are in full swing in the creation of their first full with the […]
December 10, 2014

The SINNERATOR are in full swing in the creation of their first full with the finished compositions recordings are now being initiated.

And the bass lines of the disk are already being recorded in the home studio of the band, which says bassist/vocalist Arthur Hertel:

"Even though experience with recordings always has a tension and the goal is not to make mistakes, do everything within the expected and as accurate as possible. The lines for this album are getting very aggressive, but with that touch of good old Rock N 'Roll, so you can expect a very exciting album!"

The album will also be mixed and mastered by guitarist André Monges under the same:

"This is really fun, but laborious, record your own band is not an easy task, but we are doing well, and the end result will surprise everyone."

So now is wait and stay connected, because we have a great record ahead!

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Renato Junior
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