SIGNS OF DARKNESS: 'The Age of Decay' Cover Artwork, Track Listing Revealed

The Belgian epic black metal band SIGNS OF DARKNESS and their label Shiver Records have […]
February 9, 2015

The Belgian epic black metal band SIGNS OF DARKNESS and their label Shiver Records have set March 27th of 2015 as release-date for their new upcoming CD entitled 'The Age Of Decay'. The cover artwork and track listing can be seen below.

'The Age Of Decay' was recorded at Artsounds Studios in Helchteren with producer and bandmember Peter Vaes. The artwork was taken care of by Marc at ArtWars Mediadesign (SINISTER, MASTER, LIFELESS,...).
Marc of Artwars has the following to say about the cover of 'The Age of Decay': "Working with SIGNS OF DARKNESS was quite interesting because it was the first time I worked with a Black Metal band. Their ideas on the artwork were quite appealing and challenging. It was a lot of fun working on the cover and layout. I really like their album and they are cool guys. Check 'em out in any case!!!"

'The Age Of Decay' track listing:
1. The Rise of Serpents
2. The Age of Decay
3. Suffer the Cold
4. Clouds Over Your Masada
5. Sin
6. Amidst The Fog
7. The Sound of a Desolate Winter
8. Terra Nullius
9. Like Flies On Your Coffin
10. The Lazarus Syndrome
11. The Circle of Serpents

'The Age Of Decay' is the band's fourth full length album since its formation in 1995. Its predecessor 'Apostate' was independently released in 2011 and featured the band's trademark epic riffs, furious blastbeats and haunting lyrics.

SIGNS OF DARKNESS had the following to say: "The period during which this album was created was very intense. The songwriting, lyrical contents and also the artwork were designed in a close cooperation between all the bandmembers. The atmosphere was strong which is also the reason why we wanted to finish the recordings, mixing and mastering by ourselves. Be prepared for total mayhem!"

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