SICK OF IT ALL: check out "Road Less Traveled" from "Last Act Of Defiance" via, band announcing EMP Persistence Tour 2015

After just arriving back home from a successful run of European (festival) dates SICK OF […]
August 12, 2014

After just arriving back home from a successful run of European (festival) dates SICK OF IT ALL are launching the first track taken from their upcoming album "Last Act Of Defiance", "Road Less Traveled", via

At the same time the legendary NYHC outfit announces headlining next year's edition of the EMP Persistence Tour which will be the perfect setting to present you "Last Act Of Defiance" live:

EMP Persistence Tour 2015
15.01.2015 (DE) Berlin - Astra
16.01.2015 (DE) Hamburg - Grosse Freiheit 36
17.01.2015 (DE) Oberhausen - Turbinenhalle
18.01.2015 (F) Paris - Bataclan
19.01.2015 (NL) Utrecht - Tivoli
20.01.2015 (DE) Wiesbaden - Schlachthof
21.01.2015 (CH) Pratteln - Z7
22.01.2015 (DE) Munich ' Backstage Werk
23.01.2015 (CZ) Ostrava - Trojhali Karolina
24.01.2015 (DE) Dresden - Eventwerk
25.01.2015 (BE) Deinze - Brielpoort
More bands will be announced shortly! The presale will start Friday.

"Last Act Of Defiance" is set for a release on the following dates:
Europe, Australia / NZ: September 29th, 2014
USA, Canada: September 30th, 2014

"Last Act Of Defiance" was produced by long time friend and producer Tue Madsen who recorded the album at Nova Studio in Staten Island, NY while mixing it in his own Antfarm Studio in Denmark.

Century Media
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