SHINING: Premier New Track

Shiningare now revealing a brand new track taken from their forthcoming full-length 'IX - Everyone, […]
March 29, 2015

Shiningare now revealing a brand new track taken from their forthcoming full-length 'IX - Everyone, Everything, Everywhere, Ends'. The song "Framtidsutsikter" is exclusively streaming via these official media partners.

Metalobsession (AU)
Spark (CZ) (DE)
Kaaoszine (FI)
La Grosse Radio (FR)
Metalpaths (GR)
Kronos Mortus (HU)
Rock Hard (IT)
Marunouchi Muzik (JP)
Lords of Metal(NL)
Eternal-Terror (NO)
Against Magazine (PT)
Metal Hammer (UK)

Niklas Kvarforth comments: "Following similar paths as several other 'ballads' of ours, 'Framtidsutsikter'('Future Prospects'), melds all of them together into an epic journey in a downward spiral. Coincidence and the pure joy of creating something horrible made this song into what it is. Relying on a pulsating vibe of hopelessness and despair, this song is for me personallyalmost unbearable to listen to. That will make things extremely interesting when performing it live, and it will probably be considered as one of the darker turns in our two decades long career. All hail misery!"

'IX - Everyone, Everything, Everywhere, Ends' has been scheduledfor release on the 20th of April 2015. The albumcan already be pre-ordered in various formats including collectors' editions via the Season of Mist shop.

Shining have previously revealed that their cover artwork has been created by Daniele Serra. Therenownedillustratoris well known for his collaboration with Joe R. Lansdale for the praised graphic novel "I Tell You It's Love" among numerous other award winningworks. Daniele Serra regularly contributes for companies such as Weird Tales Magazine and DC Comics, and is behind the stunningillustrations for the new and already award nominated"Hellraiser: Bestiary" series.

Artwork and track-list of 'IX - Everyone, Everything, Everywhere, Ends' can be viewed below.

1. Den Påtvingade Tvåsamheten
2. Vilja & Dröm
3. Framtidsutsikter
4. Människotankens Vägglösa Rum
5. Inga Broar Kvar Att Bränna
6. Besök Från I(ho)nom
7. Ohne Dich
8. Black Industrial Eleven

Regarding the new album mastermind Niklas Kvarforth commented: "Shining, the ninth, has been given the name of 'IX - Everyone, Everything, Everywhere, Ends'. For once I am extremely pleased with how this album turned out. I believe that the fevered presence of filth and uncompromising darkness is more prominent than ever before. Not only will our more recent fan-base 'enjoy' the oppression contained therein, but I am also certain that those who stopped listening to Shining after our fifth album will find the new one plague-ridden with what some might have felt was lacking on the more recent efforts! that atmosphere of old."

Shininghave already announced a string of festival shows. More dates and tours will be revealed in the near future. You can find a list of confirmed dates below:

03 Apr 15 Montreal (CA) Messe des Morts Festival
30 Apr 15 Barroselas (PT) SWR Barroselas
09 May 15 London (UK) Incineration Fest
19 Jun 15 Dokkum (NL) Dokk'em Open Air
03 Jul 15 Vana-Vigala (EE) Hard Rock Laager
30 Jul 15 Wacken (DE) Wacken Open Air
25 Sep 15 Hultsfred (SE) Mörkaste Småland

Shiningis more than just a band. In fact each release, every concert and interview becomes a bloody battleground, on which Niklas Kvarforth struggles with his inner demons. The frontman and only remaining original member has never been shy to let the world know about his mental afflictions, which seem to complement or even spark his outstanding talent as a composer and musician. His ninth album, 'IX - Everyone, Everything, Everywhere, Ends' is another excellent example of Niklas' genius. Reaching back to their black metal roots, Shiningsimultaneously melt eclectic influences from progressive rock, jazz, even pop and more into deeply emotional laments from the dark side of the soul. Niklas' vocals come in an even greater variety of expressions which few would suspect in a singer coming from the extreme metal scene. Moments of pain and confusion turn into insane outbursts of anger. Despair shifts into melancholy and an eerie sense of timeless beauty permeates all. Lacking any tolerance for false tuning, technical flaws and lack of ambition, Niklas has literally beaten any weakness out of his band, which demonstrates its remarkable prowess far beyond any average on this record. Founded in 1996 by Kvarforth, Shiningself-released 'Submit to Self-Destruction' in 1998 and spawned the term "suicidal black metal" with this debut 7". A couple years after first full-length 'I - Within Deep Dark Chambers' (2000) and sophomore album 'II - Livets Ändhållplats' (2001) had cut deep marks into the underground scene, Niklas replaced his whole crew and started a continuous cycle of changing his line-up. With MAYHEM drummer Hellhammer on board, 'III - Angst' (2003) and 'IV - The Eerie Cold' (2005) began to gather major metal press attention. Shiningthen focused on bringing their vision and often controversially received live performances to Europe. Yet Kvarforth's mental health led to cancelled tours, physical and psychological fights within the band, and finally a break-up. Not content to let things rest after the breakdown, the restless singer returned with new members and the massively successful album 'V ' Halmstad' (2007). Shining had reached headliner status and toured with big acts such as Satyricon and Mayhem. Several line-up changes later, the Swede once again entered studio and recorded two albums in one session. 'VI ' Klagopsalmer' was released in 2009 and two years later 'VII - Född Förlorare' darkened the light of day. The band also received their first gold disc for the single 'Förtvivlan, Min Arvedel' in Sweden. After rotating more musicians in and out, Shining returned with 'Redefining Darkness' (2012) and a less aggressive, yet more sinister sound. Before signing to Season of Mist, the band released the project '8 ½ ' Feberdrömmar I Vaket Tillstånd', which featured six of Kvarforth's favourite vocalists. In August 2014, Shining entered Andy LaRocque's Sonic Train Studios to record their ninth album. 'IX - Everyone, Everything, Everywhere, Ends' is the sum of Niklas Kvarforth's musical evolution and experience so far. And while nobody expects the Swede to deliver a record to booze and sing along to, the charged word "art" enters the mind unbidden. This masterpiece should interest lovers of music far beyond the narrow confines of extreme metal. Plug your headphones in and find out for yourself!


Niklas Kvarforth - Vocals
Peter Huss - Guitars
Euge Valovirta - Guitars
Christian Larsson - Bass
Rainer Tuomikanto ' Drums

Seasons Of Mist
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