SEVEN YEAR STORM: Premiere Drummer Sean Lang's Video 'Dyatlov'

Seven Year Storm, the Vancouver-based instrumental progressive metal band created by freelance drummer / instructorSean […]
February 4, 2015

Seven Year Storm, the Vancouver-based instrumental progressive metal band created by freelance drummer / instructorSean Langwith addedsupport from guitar-wizard and good friendDean Lamb (Archspire)has teamed up withExclaim! Magazineto premiere thelatest video for'Dyatlov'from the upcoming EP'Aion I', due out onFeb 24thasthefirst of two EPs set for release in2015. Apre-order fora limited edition 'Aion I' CD is availablehere.

"Inspired by the bizarre otherworldly events of theDyatlov Pass Incident, this track (as well as the EP,Aion I) was never really meant to be released!until people heard it, demanded its release, and made it happen with a crowdfunding campaign.This instrumental track packs a punch, thanks to Archspire's masterful guitar wizard Dean Lamb, who is featured throughoutAion I. I'm honoured to premiere the video for my track "Dyatlov"!"To watch 'Dyatlov', please visit the following linkhere.To get your free download of 'Dyatlov', please visit the following linkhere.To watch ateaser video for'Aion I', please visitthe following linkhere.

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Jon Asher - Music Publicist
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