SEPULTURA: Multi-Camera Footage Of Alkmaar Performance
August 24, 2014
Multi-camera footage ofSEPULTURA's June 26 performance at Podium Victorie in Alkmaar, The Netherlands can be seen below.
SEPULTURA's latest album,"The Mediator Between Head And Hands Must Be The Heart", sold around 1,800 copies in the United States in its first week of release. The CD came out on October 29, 2013 viaNuclear Blast Records.
Although it was inspired byFritz Lang's classic 1927 movie"Metropolis","The Mediator Between Head And Hands Must Be The Heart"is not a concept album or a soundtrack like its precedessors"Dante XXI"(based on"The Divine Comedy") and"A-Lex"(based on"A Clockwork Orange").
"The Mediator Between The Head And Hands Must Be The Heart"was tracked over a 40-day period at producerRoss Robinson's (KORN,LIMP BIZKIT,SLIPKNOT) studio in Venice, California and was mixed and mastered by co-producerSteve Evetts, who previously worked withSEPULTURAon the"Nation"(2001),"Revolusongs"(2002) and"Roorback"(2003) albums, in addition to having collaborated withRosson a number of other projects in the past.
In a recent interview,SEPULTURAguitaristAndreas Kisserstated about the musical direction of"The Mediator Between The Head And Hands Must Be The Heart": "We wanted to do something more thrashy. Some elements we used to have on older albums - kind of a thrash feeling - with the bands that we used to listen to those days, but a lot of spontaneous stuff too because we practice a lot. We record the practices and lots of the stuff that comes from the practice are from jamming and it might turn out to be a song, etc. But you know, I think the new lineup is the main factor. [There's] new energy, new possibilities on drumming which helped us to write stuff, [and it's] more intense and extreme."
Kisseralso spoke about what it was like recording withRobinsonagain after previousy collaborating with him on 1996's"Roots". "It was really great to have a chance to work with him again,"Andreassaid. "He's a great friend. We respect each other so much and it was great to go to the States and stay at his home studio, which is a beautiful place. He focuses on the recording 100% and is a very organic producer who gives lots of value for the moment. Even if there are some mistakes here and there, he gives a lot of value for the feeling, for the first expression. [It's]very artistic. It was definitely the right time to be back and working with him again and I'm very happy with the album, for sure."

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