SAREJEVO: "The Double Tailed Devil" Now Streaming

Sarajevo, newpsychedelic noise band fromParis, France has surfaced a few months ago with the aim […]
December 15, 2014

Sarajevo, newpsychedelic noise band fromParis, France has surfaced a few months ago with the aim toconciliate noise/indiemusicand psychedelic rock in order to create a mix between sophisticated sound and chaotic atmospheres. With a line-up included some ex-membersof Comity, Dacast, G.M.B.C or Velocross, the band take some influencesfrom awesome bands like SilverApples, Spaceman 3 or The Flaming Lips!.

From now and after some great live performances,a first 2-tracks demo by Sarajevo,called "The double tailed devil",has just been released digitally and is available right now for free streaming on Bandcamp.

Listen to "The Double Tailed Devil" demo here:

Domino Media
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