SANTA CRUZ: To Release Brand New Self-Titled Album On March 9th Via Spinefarm Records

Santa Cruz have today revealed that they will release their second studio album, 'Santa Cruz', […]
January 15, 2015

Santa Cruz have today revealed that they will release their second studio album, 'Santa Cruz', on March 9th via Spinefarm Records; this will be the follow-up to 2013's 'Screaming For Adrenaline', also on Spinefarm.

This latest full-length instalment is packed full of the good stuff, including the hit singles 'We Are The Ones To Fall' and 'Wasted & Wounded' ' expect next level skilfully-crafted, party-minded, rocket-powered rock 'n' roll that'll get a whole new generation on their feet!

Track-listing as follows:
1. Bonafide Heroes
2. Velvet Rope
3. My Remedy
4. 6(66) Feet Under
5. Bye Bye Babylon
6. We Are The Ones To Fall
7. Wasted & Wounded
8. Let Them Burn
9. Vagabonds (Sing With Me)
10. Can You Feel The Rain

Check out the current video for 'Wasted & Wounded' here:

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Spinefarm Records
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