Saints Trade: "Robbed In Paradise" to be released on February 10th

"Robbed In Paradise", the debut album by hard rockers SAINTS TRADE, will be released on […]
January 12, 2015

"Robbed In Paradise", the debut album by hard rockers SAINTS TRADE, will be released on February 10th, 2015 and distributed by Andromeda Dischi.

The track list is:

01. To The Light
02. Feel The Fire
03. Inside
04. Allied
05. Like A Woman
06. California
07. Dreams Running Wild
08. Siria (Dawn Breaks In)
09. Rock 'n' Roll Man
10. Into Your Eyes
11.The Game

"Robbed In Paradise" contains 11 tracks of pure hard rock, recalling the glorious 80's, enhanced by the band's members' different influences but with a strong, unique musical goal. The title "Robbed In Paradise" refers to that annoying feeling you experience when something unexpected happens in a place you consider ideal and safe. The cover artwork shows an angel dropping to the earth, representing the eternal struggle between good and evil inside all of us: every track explores the complexity of human soul, from jealousy to hope for a new love, the desire to escape and disobey, the alienation leading to war, in a simple straightforward way. Recorded at Pri Studio in Bologna under the greatRoberto Priori's supervision, the album features several special guests:Priori (Danger Zone) himself on "The Game", the talented Swedish Guitar HeroTommy Denanderon "Inside" and PERFECT VIEW's skilled keyboardistPier Mazzinion all the songs. The result is a touching work that sounds heavy and sweet at the same time, honoring the music from the past. Are you ready to "Feel The Fire"? The official release party will be held at Alchemica Music Club (Bologna, Italy) on February 7th, 2015.

Atomic Stuff
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