SACRED OATH: announces vinyl edition of Darkness Visible album

Sacred Oath came roaring back to life in 2007 with the release of their second […]
April 27, 2014

Sacred Oath came roaring back to life in 2007 with the release of their second studio album "Darkness Visible" and now that is being commemorated by Metalizer Records with a limited-edition vinyl release on Friday April 25th.

The double-gatefold 2 disc release includes live bonus tracks from the World IndiVisible Tour and is available in both blue and black vinyl. It is the 3rd vinyl release by the band in a partnership with Metalizer Records, following "World On Fire" and "A Crystal Vision." "Metalizer always does it right," says bandleader Rob Thorne. "I'm a big vinyl enthusiast and these are editions I'm proud to have in my personal collection."

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