SACRED LEGACY News And Announcement

As Azzam (former Bass and vocals) will be leaving us to focus more on his […]
May 14, 2014

As Azzam (former Bass and vocals) will be leaving us to focus more on his future plans and opening a new chapter on his journey, we wish him well of his endeavors in life.

We are pleased to announce our new single, with a new front man and our sound, more brutal then ever. and this is how it will sound like on our next album entitled "Generation of Chaos" Introducing Lord (Hoochy) Pharmacist on Bass and Vocals

It's never a 'just another change' in our sound. its rather an evolution as we still have our unique (signature) music known my many among our fans as "the legacy" sound.

from the beginning, we always try to implement something new in our music, and our approach to the upcoming album is focused more on aggressive and more brutal yet still maintaining our melodic vibe in it. due to the new changes in our lineup with new front man and drummer made a huge impact in our music, and our spirits stronger then ever. with this we have reached a new turning point in the music of sacred legacy.

Here is the link to our new single

Sacred Legacy - Burning Echoes Of A Fallen Empire

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