ROB ZOMBIE: Laments State Of Rock Radio In U.S.

Earlier this week,Troy HaydenatKSAZ-TV, channel 10, theFox-owned and -operated television station located in Phoenix, Arizona, […]
September 20, 2014

Earlier this week,Troy HaydenatKSAZ-TV, channel 10, theFox-owned and -operated television station located in Phoenix, Arizona, conducted an interview with rocker-turned-directorRob Zombie. You can now watch the chat below.

Asked for his thoughts on long-running Phoenix commercial radio stationKDKB-FM(93.3) changing formats, going from rock to alternative and adopting the handle "Alt AZ 93.3, Arizona's Alternative" as of noon, Wednesday, September 17,Robsaid: "That is really a bummer, because being on tour, you can really sense it, because certain markets will be really great markets, and then they won't be. And it always relates back to the radio station. If there's a great station, it's a great market, and you'll have huge crowds. And when the rock station dies, over the years, the crowds die and dwindle off, and what would be a killer market is not a great market. And then just out of a business point of view, you tend to avoid that market, because it's a dying market. And it's really a drag. We used to go places and there'd be! The radio stations would literally be fighting over each other to sponsor the show, there'd be so many stations. Now it's, like! You can't even find one. It's really crazy."

Rob Zombierecently told England'sTeamRock Radiothat the American rock scene never recovered from the the '90s grunge explosion.Zombieexplained, "When the grunge rock thing hit, withNIRVANAand all that, everybody thought it was cool to be anti-rock star. But in a way they sort of anti-rock starred themselves right out the door, because the rap guys came in and they said, 'Fuck it. We'll be the rock stars then, if you guys are going to wear flannel shirts and stare at your feet.' And in the U.S., truthfully, rock music has never recovered from that."

Zombieadded, "A whole generation of kids thought, 'Fuck this! Rock music is boring. Let's go listen to rap music.' And it's never recovered."

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