RIDE FOR RONNIE: Motorcycle Ride & Concert Announces Additional Performers and Eddie Trunk's All-Star Band Members

The 5th Annual RIDE FOR RONNIE Motorcycle Ride and Concert is set for Sunday, May […]
April 25, 2019

The 5th Annual RIDE FOR RONNIE Motorcycle Ride and Concert is set for Sunday, May 5, 2019, benefiting the Ronnie James Dio Stand Up and Shout Cancer Fund. Comprised of a motorcycle ride originating at Harley-Davidson of Glendale and culminating with a concert at Los Encinos Park in Encino, the RIDE FOR RONNIE will raise awareness and funds for cancer prevention and research for a cure. The concert will once again be hosted by radio and television personality Eddie Trunk, and a group of stellar rock musicians under the banner of Eddie Trunk's All Star Band will headline the afternoon of live music. Last year's Ride brought in over $50,000 for the Dio Cancer Fund (www.diocancerfund.org).

Riders will assemble for a continental breakfast at Harley-Davidson of Glendale with kickstands up at 11:00AM. The procession will travel around the northern edge of the San Fernando Valley to Los Encinos Park in Encino, where they will be treated to music, a raffle, silent and live auctions, food trucks and much more.

Kicking off the afternoon of live music at the Park will be the primal, melodic rock n' roll of Sadie & The Tribe (https://www.instagram.com/SadieAndTheTribe/), fronted by renowned fitness and yoga instructor Sadie Nardini, followed by the popular DIO cover band DIA (https://www.facebook.com/pg/DIAtribute/about/?ref=page_internal). Next up will be LA rock band Budderside (https://budderside.com), followed by PETTY CASH, combining the music of Tom Petty and Johnny Cash (https://www.facebook.com/PettyCashParty) and megarock band DC4 (https://artistecard.com/DC4), featuring Jeff, Matt and Shawn Duncan and former DIO band guitarist Rowan Robertson.

Just added to the lineup is LA's own Bullet Boys (https://www.bulletboysofficial.com/). Headlining the afternoon will be Eddie Trunk's All Star Band, featuring Black Star Riders' Ricky Warwick and Robbie Crane; Keith Nelson (BUCK CHERRY); Dewey Bragg (Kill Devil Hill); actor/musician Sean McNabb (LYNCH MOB, DOKKEN); Simon Wright (DIO, AC/DC, UFO), Jerry Montano (HELLYEAH, DANZIG), Ace Von Johnson (FASTER PUSSYCAT, LA GUNS), Johnny Martin (LA GUNS), Joey Scott (LIZZY BORDEN) Jimmy Burkard (WEST BOUND, BILLY IDOL), Chas West (WEST BOUND, BONHAM, LYNCH MOB) and Randy Rhoads' brother singer Kelle Rhoads along with Nikki Lane Taylor and Gregory Alan Coates from the Kelle Rhoads Band. More participants will be announced shortly.

Wendy Dio leads off the 2018 RIDE FOR RONNIE (Photo by Craig Newman)

As always, a silent auction booth will have many amazing items available to bid on throughout the afternoon, while live auctions, featuring one-of-a-kind rock collectibles, will be held from the stage between artist performances.

Sponsors lending their support to this year's RIDE FOR RONNIE include Harley-Davidson of Glendale (www.glendaleharley.com), Law Tigers (www.lawtigers.com/), MacLeod Ale (www.macleodale.com/), Burn Cottage Vineyard (www.burncottage.com/), Solar Rain Water (www.solarrainwatery.com/SR15/SolarRain.html), Monster Energy Drink (www.monsterenergy.com/), Rok Drinks (www.rokdrinks.com/), Archie's Ice Cream (www.archiesicecream.com) and LA's premier rock radio station, 95.5 KLOS (www.955klos.com/). Additional support for the RIDE FOR RONNIE is provided by All Access (stages), Clair Global (sound), ES CAT (generators), Road Radios (walkies) and Mates (backline). DW Drums (www.dwdrums.com) has graciously donated a full drum kit for the charity's use at all its functions.

Beer, wine, soda and water will be available for sale, as well as delicious food from various food trucks including Slammin' Sliders (now featuring Nathan's Hot Dogs), (https://www.slamminsliders.com/), G's Taco Spot (https://www.gstacospotgft.com/) and The Grilled Cheese Truck (https://www.thegrilledcheesetruck.com/).


Rider Check-In & On-Site Registration
including Continental Breakfast
Harley Davidson of Glendale
9:00am - 10:45am

Kickstands up at 11:00am

Rally and Live Concert
Los Encinos State Historic Park
12Noon - 5:00pm

Pre-Registration Prices:
$35/rider (includes concert admission)
$10/passenger (includes concert admission)
$25 concert admission only

Day of Event Prices:
$40/rider (includes concert admission)
$15/passenger (includes concert admission)
$30 concert admission only

For information and tickets, please visit

Tickets are available at:


Watch a video wrap-up of the 2018 RIDE FOR RONNIE here:

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The Ronnie James Dio Stand Up and Shout Cancer Fund (www.diocancerfund.org) was formed in memory of the legendary rock singer Ronnie James Dio, who lost his life to gastric cancer in 2010. A privately funded 501(c)(3) public charity, the Ronnie James Dio Stand Up and Shout Cancer Fund has already raised over $2 million since its inception. Monies raised have been committed to the cancer research work of the T. J. Martell Foundation for Cancer, AIDS and Leukemia Research, the gastric cancer research unit of the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, where Ronnie was treated for gastric cancer during the last six months of his life, and other cancer research projects. Most recently, the Dio Cancer Fund has committed funds to support the research of Dr. David Wong and his team at the UCLA School of Dentistry in developing a simple, non-invasive saliva test for the early detection of cancer. His team has just received regulatory approval on their EFIRM (electric field-induced release and measurement) technology as a Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA)-certified, College of American Pathology (CAP)-accredited assay to be used in clinical practice. It is stated that EFIRM creates a reliable, novel, and impactful method to detect tumor-causing, lung cancer mutations in saliva and blood that is non-invasive, cost-effective and fast. This technology has been in research and testing phases over the last three years, and the support from the Dio Cancer Fund is in keeping with the organization's mission of cancer prevention, research and education.

Kyle Scott

Maria Fererro
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