REVEN IN FLESH: "Deathevokation" Released Worldwide Today

Deathevokation from Old School Death Metal Champions REVEL IN FLESH has been released worldwide today, […]
By Zarto
March 25, 2012

Deathevokation from Old School Death Metal Champions REVEL IN FLESH has been released worldwide today, March 23rd , through FDA Rekotz. The album is available on CD and as a digital download on Amazon, I-Tunes, Spotify and others. Featuring members and former members of IMMORTAL RITES (R.I.P), DAWN OF DREAMS and APOPHIS, Germany's REVEL IN FLESH formed in 2011 to pay tribute to the impure way of classic 90s European style old school Death Metal!

The album was mastered Dan Swanö who had this to say about Deathevokation:
"An excellent offering to the Gods of SweDeath, complete with one of the most accurate re-creations of the crushing guitar tones of the early Sunlight era."

Deathevokation is about pure passion for the style and features 10 tracks defined by an addiction to the way Death Metal was meant to be: ferocious and filthy! Recommended without hesitation for all fans of Nihilist, Entrails, early Entombed, and Dismember!
A promo clip for the track "Wings of Death" can be viewed atthis location.

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