RENAISSANCE: One of the lions of British Progressive Rock for a single show in Israel in April

The legendary British Progressive Rock band RENAISSANCE just announced that it will be heading to […]
January 28, 2015

The legendary British Progressive Rock band RENAISSANCE just announced that it will be heading to Israel for a single show in Amphitheater Wahall in Tel Aviv this coming April 27[sup]th[/sup].

RENAISSANCE was formed back in 1969 in London. Throughout its career it became one of the notable bands in Progressive Rock alongside other amazing names such as CAMEL, GENESIS and KING CRIMSON among the legends. Furthermore, it was also know due to the charming vibrant voice of vocalist Annie Haslam.

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Between 1974-1975, the band released two of its classic albums, "Scheherazade and Other Stories" and "Turn Of The Cards". Both releases are considered to be two of the best Progressive Rock albums of all time and back in the 70's reclaimed a higher spot.

The band's most commercial album is 1978's "A Song For All Seasons", back in its prime it was a huge success in the United Kingdom and the songs "Northern Nights" starred in the charts.

Follow its early disbandment, the band went back into the fold in 2009. The upcoming show in Israel will be the first in 35 years. Progstage Productions will be producing the show, the company is also responsible for the hosting of another British Rock icon, URIAH HEEP.

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The ticket prices will be between 229 NIS and 379 NIS according to the seats in the amphitheater. For a period of a week, the tickets will be sold in a special discount of 30 NIS from their original price.

The tickets' full price will be updated at the end of the deadline ' 3.2.2015


Progstage Productions
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