RED MOON ARCHITECT: To Release New Album "Kuura."

Started in 2012 under the command of producer, musician and songwriter Saku Moilanen, Red Moon […]
March 21, 2019

Started in 2012 under the command of producer, musician and songwriter Saku Moilanen, Red Moon Architect are considered one of the most valuable assets of the doom metal scene in their home Finland. After three studio albums and two years since their last studio effort to date, Kuura is an album that differs from Red Moon Architect's back catalogue. It's a rough, unpolished and brutally honest representation of the darkest corners of mind and soul.

"Sometimes you get beaten down so hard, you don't even want to get up anymore. There are lyrics written, but they won't ever be released because of personal attachments. Emotional charge of the vocals will surely deliver the message".

Kuura will be released on April 5th. On vinyl by The Vinyl Division and digitally by Grey Beton Records. Vinyl preorders available here:

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The Vinyl Division
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