RAGE NUCLEAIRE: Announce title of new album!

Canadian black metallers RAGE NUCLÉAIRE have finished recording their brand new full length album, which […]
May 21, 2014

Canadian black metallers RAGE NUCLÉAIRE have finished recording their brand new full length album, which will be titled 'Black Storm of Violence'. This follow-up to their ferocious debut 'Unrelenting Fucking Hatred' will be released on the Season of Mist Underground Activists division on July 18th.

Regarding the new album, RAGE NUCLÉAIRE state: "...And the angel of light said:"Let there be more killing, more hatred, more war and more violence", and there was begotten a second RAGE NUCLÉAIRE album. And there came a time when no good remained in the world, when chaotic evil met lawful evil, and it was called 'Black Storm of Violence'. Now you die... "

RAGE NUCLÉAIRE were formed by legendary vocalist Lord Worm (ex-CRYPTOPSY) and include guitarist Dark Rage, bassist/keyboardist Alvater (ex–FROZEN SHADOWS), and drummer Fredrik Widigs (THE UGLY) in its ranks.

Season Of Mist
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