PYRE: Signs With Chaos Records

After Eskhaton from Australia, Chaos Records has just signed a deal with Pyre. Now Pyre […]
March 22, 2014

After Eskhaton from Australia, Chaos Records has just signed a deal with Pyre. Now Pyre just happens to be Russia's best Death Metal band with Odem, and Chaos Records is leaving no stone unturned in working with the best. Pyre plays raging Death Metal, somewhat of a mixture of the Swedish and Dutch styles, Dismember meets Asphyx, something that will tear the skin off your bones.

Watch out for the full length album titled 'Human Hecatomb' via Chaos Records this year. Prepare the medics.

About Pyre:
This guest article written by yours truly will serve to throw more light on Russian Death Metal bands that are leading the scene presently -
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