PUTRID: Godz Ov War Productions are proud to introduce to you the Chilean blasphemers and their absolutely devastating and crushing second full length act, "Antichrist Above"

The new album was recorded between December 2019 and January 2020 in the Putrid Bunker […]
March 11, 2020

The new album was recorded between December 2019 and January 2020 in the Putrid Bunker with Eco Estudio and produced by Camilo Uriarte. It features an appaling cover and parchment by Cinthya Valcarcel and the following ten tracks of bestial, brutal, savage and raging black/death metal.

"Antichrist Above" to be released on 13 March 2020 as jewel case CD. If you haven't checked out the lyric video promoting the new album, "Warfare In Golgotha", do it now:

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01. Warfare In Golgotha
02. Antichrist Above
03. A Cursed From The Chalice
04. The Victory Of The Trident
05. The Corpse Of The Messiah
06. The Great Serpent Await Us
07. Three Nails Of Hate
08. Pig Of Liars
09. Rotting Kingdom
10. Morbid Prayers Of Death

Putrid are:
Evil Avatar - Blasphemies and Axes
Sacrificie - Four Scourge of Sadistik
Drum Mayor of War - Hammer of Doom

More info: https://www.facebook.com/putridattacks

Godz Ov War Productions
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