PUNISHMENT ESSAY: Sign with Sliptrick Records.

Joining the ranks at Sliptrick Records: Punishment Essay (UK) Hard Rock | Punk Rock | […]
November 9, 2022

Joining the ranks at Sliptrick Records:

Punishment Essay (UK) Hard Rock | Punk Rock | Metal | Alternative Rock

The brainchild of Dev Crawford, who is joined by Sean Nugent and Brandon Lee Bolt. Punishment Essay bring together howling guitars, vocals that range from vicious to dripping in harmonies, thunderous bass lines and a raw, brutal commentary of modern life. The band have been working on their forthcoming album Memento Mori which will be released worldwide via Sliptrick Records on CD and digital.

"This artist is producing some of the best modern take on fused classic and punk rock to come out of this country in a very long time". ' The Accidental Music Reviewer

Punishment Essay are the perfect antidote to the stale modern rock scene. There are two types of people ' those who love Punishment Essay and tho
se that haven't heard them yet, which one will you be?

Punishment Essay are:

Dev Crawford ' Vocals/Guitars
Sean Nugent ' Bass/Backing Vocals
Brandon Lee Bolt ' Drums/Guitars/Backing Vocals


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