Psychotic Gardening: Pledge Allegiance To Chuck Schuldiner With Cover of DEATH Classic

Winnipeg's death metal troopersPsychotic Gardeninghave teamed up withBravewords.comfor the exclusive premiere of their tribute toDeathwith […]
March 25, 2014

Winnipeg's death metal troopersPsychotic Gardeninghave teamed up withBravewords.comfor the exclusive premiere of their tribute toDeathwith their cover of'Open Casket' featuringguest appearancesfromTim Roth (Into Eternity)andChuck Wepfer (Broken Hope). Stream -

Both Andrew Wiens (guitar) and Chuck Labosssiere (guitar/vocals) comment:

"Awhile back, we played with Massacre at a Chuck Schuldiner tribute show and we played 'Open Casket.' It turned out really cool with the slow grinding PG spin, so we just had to record it." - Andrew Wiens

"As it is for a lot of people, Death was a big influence on us. We wanted to pay homage but also do our own thing with it, slowing it down, making it 'doomy.' We like to be creative and original even when we do covers. Both Tim (Roth) and Chuck (Wepfer) are naturally big Death fans themselves, so it just worked out to be this great collaboration and tribute. I'm honoured to have these two guys appear on this song, they are great friends and awesome players" - Chuck Labossiere
Psychotic Gardeningreturn in 2014 with new material and the return ofChuck Labossiereafter he filled in withBroken Hopefor tour dates inEuropeandCanada.Their forthcoming album'Hymnosis'is set for release onMay 13thand will follow up 2011's'Humanitorium'and 2007's debut'Hürdür'.

Featuring nine heavy hitting assaults,'Hymnosis'is sure to bang skulls with itsfull-throttle, go-for-the-throat execution of doom and black metal. In this release the band digs into its death metal roots for a concoction of their most vicious material while still hammering down on doom-laden monster riffs.

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