PROPHECY FEST: September 19th, 2015 - Cave of Balve (Germany)

2015 will see the first Prophecy label festival in nine years! It will take place […]
January 8, 2015

2015 will see the first Prophecy label festival in nine years! It will take place on September 19th, 2015 at Balver Höhle, the cave of Balve (Germany). Balve is situated between Dortmund, Cologne, Frankfurt and Hannover. It is Europe's biggest cultural cave. According to Germanic Saga, the blacksmith Wieland had his workshop in the cave of Balve.

6-8 artists are expected to perform at Prophecy Fest, and the first confirmed artist is Empyrium. The band with which the whole Prophecy history started will grace us with one of their rare performances. For the very first time, Empyrium will deliver a special set with songs from "A Wintersunset...", "Songs Of Moors & Misty Fields" and "The Turn Of The Tides".

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Prophecy Productions
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