Promotion: MEMORIAM (Cyprus) - New Single / by Filos

MEMORIAM, a band from the small island of Cyprus, that was formed back in late […]
July 17, 2014

MEMORIAM, a band from the small island of Cyprus, that was formed back in late 2012 by guitarist Andreas Haggiandreou (Guitar) and drummer Paolo Batista (Drums), had in mind a Melodic Death Metal concept for the band's music influence. Later on, the young and eager bassist / vocalist Thirsos Makloklas (Bass & Backing Vocals) joined, followed by passionate Artemis Choutris (Lead Vocals) on rhythm guitar. Bonding immediately, the four started playing cover songs of their favorite bands. After their first concert, the band had detected various problems on stage performance and technicality. Therefore, after leaving their ego behind and looking for what is best for the band, skilled player Denis Menace (Guitar) came along and Artemis was made into the lead vocalist.

This mixture slowly started to blend keeping its melodic background but also generating divergent soundings in each one of their newly written song. Thus the band decided to change their genre from Melodic to just Death, as it is more generic. Their lyrics speak through the music and vice versa, with the concept of both political and religious corruption, to cases of hero syndrome, human ignorance and arrogance.

MEMORIAM just released their first single titled "Sated Bull", which gives you a taste of their earlier melodic affiliations. The song speaks for the Native American struggle and punished injustice. At the moment, they are rehearsing and writing new content, promising a different outcome in almost every new song, as their motto says, "Be expecting more!".

"Sated Bull":

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