PROMETHEE: Premiere new video

Together with our partners in crime at German Metal Hammer we are proud to premiere […]
September 2, 2015

Together with our partners in crime at German Metal Hammer we are proud to premiere the brand new PROMETHEE video for 'Broken Structures' off the band's forthcoming album "Unrest".


Mathrock, noise, post-hardcore, prog sounds: there are a lot of influences to be discovered within the songs of PROMETHEE. Founded in 2008, the quintet from Geneva, Switzerland took its music to the streets right from the beginning. While being on tour and playing gigs, the songwriting evolved and the trademark band sound started to fall into place. However, listeners still have to spend time and concentration on what PROMETHEE are offering.

"Unrest" the successor of debut album "Nothing Happens. Nobody Comes, Nobody Goes" (2012), has to be characterized as being unwieldy and demanding as well as being highly rewarding! There is so much intensity and volume in the 12 tracks of the bands second album. PROMETHEE prove wide interests as careful, yet impulsive songwriters. And the Swiss value the virtue of challenging themselves and their listeners. Hence, "Unrest" offers numerous twists and surprises. There is plenty of transitions and variation, without ever becoming to pretentious. PROMETHEE really manage to build up fascinating arcs of suspense.

PROMETHEE's Lifeforce Records debut "Unrest" is due to be released on September 4 in Europe and October 2 in North America.

Visit and "like" the band's Facebook page and stay tuned about latest news and live shows.

Lifeforce Records
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