PROFEZIA premiere new track on "Halifax Collect"

Today, Italian black metal cult PROFEZIA premiere the new track "Oracolo Suicida" on intellectual journal […]
March 8, 2014

Today, Italian black metal cult PROFEZIA premiere the new track "Oracolo Suicida" on intellectual journal "Halifax Collect." The song is the title track to PROFEZIA's forthcoming new album, Oracolo Suicida, released this week on MORIBUND RECORDS. The long-running Italian black metallers' first album for MORIBUND and third overall, Oracolo Suicida displays PROFEZIA as masters of high drama and windswept mysticism, evincing the moonlit melancholy so inherent to classic Italian black metal (mainman Kvasir also doubles in MORIBUND cult Abhor) yet here led by eerily beautiful violin. Open your eyes to Oracolo Suicida and await your fate! Those visions can be heard exclusively HERE, along with an insight into the song's genesis. Released in a luxury digipack, the cover and tracklisting are as follows:

Tracklisting for PROFEZIA's Oracolo Suicida
1. Oracolo Suicida
2. Sacra Tempesta
3. Senza IL Giorno
4. Futuro Rivelato
5. Il Gioco del Parassita
6. Nato Morto

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