PRIMORDIAL announce title of new album and Dublin release show

PRIMORDIAL have finished the songwriting for their new album "Where Greater Men Have Fallen" to […]
May 4, 2014

PRIMORDIAL have finished the songwriting for their new album "Where Greater Men Have Fallen" to be released later in the year on the 21st of November, 2014!

Meanwhile PRIMORDIAL have announced a special album release show in Dublin on November 29, 2014. Tickets go on sale today

PRIMORDIAL + Hell + Dead Congregation + Malthusian
November 2014
29th DUBLIN ' The Academy

Comments PRIMORDIAL: "Time moves slowly!but it does move and the rusty gears have been grinding lately a new Primordial album will come this year, November to be more precise!the working title right now is 'Where greater men have fallen'

Metal Blade
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