POSSESSION (Belgium) set release date for new EP through IRON BONEHEAD and INVICTUS

IRON BONEHEAD PRODUCTIONS in cooperation with INVICTUS PRODUCTIONS set April 12th as the international release […]
February 19, 2014

IRON BONEHEAD PRODUCTIONS in cooperation with INVICTUS PRODUCTIONS set April 12th as the international release date for POSSESSION's Anneliese. Following on from last year's critically acclaimed His Best Deceit demo, Belgian black/death cult POSSESSION return with a highly anticipated 7" EP, cryptically titled Anneliese. Fans and critics worldwide thrilled to the feral, bloodlusting violence across His Best Deceit, but here on the two-song Anneliese 7", POSSESSION boldly prove that their diabolic force extends into more haunting realms. No less hysteric, the reined-in thrust on these two tracks pounds 'n' plods into the most fucked-up dungeon mortal ears will hear. Less a statement of "heavy metal" and more a ritual of unspeakable horror, Anneliese shows that POSSESSION are just beginning to stoke the hellfires of immortality... Cover and tracklisting are as follows:

Tracklisting for POSSESSION (Belgium)'s Anneliese 7" EP
Side A: Anneliese
Side B: Apparition

Nathan T. Birk
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