POMBAGIRA: Premiere New Track At Noisey - Music By Vice

Today, UK doom monolithPombagirapremiere the new track"Endless"at heavily trafficked tastemakersNoisey - Music By Vice.The track […]
February 6, 2015

Today, UK doom monolithPombagirapremiere the new track"Endless"at heavily trafficked tastemakersNoisey - Music By Vice.The track hails fromPombagira's highly anticipatednew album,Flesh Throne Press,set for international release on March 27th viaSvart Records.The band's sixth album since their inception in 2007, Flesh Throne Press seesPombagiraexpanding on themes in their previous double-album release,Maleficia Lamiah. Recorded in July 2014 across two intense weeks, the band put down over 80 minutes of material, all of which will be made available ondouble-CD and double-LP formats. "Get lost in its endless groove andwindswept wails," says Noisey, exclusivelyHERE.

Musically, this album projectsPombagiraforward with a mind-expanding purpose for exposing the body to a varied compositional range. When it is heavy, it obliterates in an avalanche of riff-making, and when in full tilt, it is only matched by the orchestral quality produced by tracking six amps and cabs for every guitar take.More concise in its delivery thanMaleficia Lamiah, the overall cerebral effect ofFlesh Throne Pressupon the listener is apocalyptic. It will not only rattle you to the very core of your being, but it also wills the listener to a plane where an inner meditative pose can be sustained. This is accomplished by way of the heaviest songsPombagirahave written to date, and by injecting stripped-down undistorted constituents to the proceedings. Surfacing in standalone songs as well as being interspersed amongst those heavier tracts of progressive expansiveness, the band this time around present to the listener their most exact example of musical uniqueness. Coursing with the undulations of textural juxtaposition,Pombagiramake firm their claim of being a truly original band without compare.

Nathan Birk, Svart Records PR
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