POLARIS: Announce European Tour.

Sydney, Australia's powerhouse POLARIS will hit European shores again this summer. The band is still […]
April 9, 2019

Sydney, Australia's powerhouse POLARIS will hit European shores again this summer.

The band is still touring in support of their globally acclaimed debut album, "The Mortal Coil", which was released via SharpTone Records in late 2017.

Catch POLARIS live on the following dates:

28.06.19 Germany Gräfenhainichen @ Full Force
29.06.19 Netherlands Ysselsteyn @ Jera On Air
30.06.19 UK London @ Boston Music Room
01.07.19 Germany Bochum @ Matrix w/ The Amity Affliction
02.07.19 Germany Saarbrücken @ Garage w/ The Amity Affliction
04.07.19 UK Newark Tech Fest
06.07.19 Austria Kapfenberg Overdrive
08.07.19 Italy Milan @ Dissonance
09.07.19 Germany Karlsruhe Stadtmitte w/ Bad Omens, Kingdom Of Giants
10.07.19 Germany Nürnberg @ Hirsch w/ Bad Omens, Kingdom Of Giants
12.07.19 Czech Republic Velke Mezirici @ Fajtfest


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