PERFECT BLUE SKY: Gospel Of The Waves Official Lyrical Video
March 1, 2015
Sweden-based multi-national band PERFECT BLUE SKY have uploaded a lyric video of the song "Gospel Of The Waves". The debut album "Emerald" will be released on march 23.
Perfect Blue Sky is a multi-national super group based out of Stockholm, Sweden and headed by the dynamic duo of Jane Kitto (AUS) and guitarist Pna Andersson (SWE). Together they form a unique song craft partnership along with a select cadre of well-known guest-musicians from various countries to join them to form a primary festival band. The inspiration behind the PBS songbook is the uninhibited vibes of 60/70's Psychedelic Rock, combined with folk poetry that infuses the listener with imagination and spirit.
Their epic live shows take their audience on a journey that follows a theme sequence from start to finish; always concluding with an extra tribute song or two to the guest artist musicians hosted in their lineup. One could suggest a reminiscence of Fleetwood Mac's Lindsay Buckingham and Stevie Nicks reborn in these two primary writers Kitto and Andersson, whilst their sound embodies Zeppelin and Pink Floyd licks and odd timing cues.
"For our maiden voyage (Finland & Sweden), we were very fortunate to have our friends; legends from the US, Peter Albin & Dave Getz - the forefathers of Janis Joplin's 1st original band 'Big Brother Holding Company'. This gave us an enormous kick start and honor to the band. Also joining us was our fantastic keyboardist Danny Oakhill, a true blue 'highwayman' from down under Australia, who hit the heels fast to take the opportunity to make the shows as well. It was a success all round", says Kitto.
Their first premier album 'Emerald' is set for release on March 23, 2015 (Scarecrow Recordings), as part of their promotional campaign for the upcoming summer festivals of Europe. Currently, they are negotiating their next PBS "All Star" lineup and the first name on their list is good friend Teddy 'Zig Zag' Andreadis (US) piano/harmonica, who has worked with many popular musicians, including Carole King, Guns N' Roses, Slash, Alice Cooper, and Billy Bob Thornton. More confirmation on the guest players line-up to come.
Andersson quotes "Creating this band and music is just like coming home. Sometimes you need to take a couple of turns around the world to realize our sky was perfect all along".

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