Party.San Metal Open Air Pressenewsletter d / e : MY DYING BRIDE, PRIMORDIAL, POSTMORTEM, ZEMIAL, OPHIS
January 13, 2015
Five new bookings
To make it short: We wish you a great new year ' stay metal! We are very pleased to present you five new bookings for our festival in 2015. In case you haven't purchased your ticket yet please go ahead and order here: !
You really have to hand it to MY DYING BRIDE. This almost 25-year-old band has stuck to their guns unlike any other band of their kind ' not only by staying true to their Death-Doom roots without much in the way of deviation, but by their sheer amount of unwavering activity. MY DYING BRIDE has a core sound since their very first album and aside from minor experimentation here and there it's still the same monster of Doom. The best bit, however, is that they retain the capacity to surprise and take their sound to new heights. See them live on our stage for the first time!
Over the band's illustrious career, PRIMORDIAL have always made sure to take time when it comes to writing albums, resulting in some of the best records ever made in that certain genre. PRIMORDIAL are arguably Ireland's greatest metal export, and on their new album, the five Dubliners raise the torch once more for a set of stirring odes to lost glories and spilled blood. Alan Averill is a vocal powerhouse, soaring atop melodic black/folk metal compositions that channel doom and gloom as well as triumph. See the band live at Party.San Metal Open Air 2015.
POSTMORTEM(ger) hails from Berlin and is truly a German Death/Thrash Metal legend. What's to say about their recently released new album!? "The Bowls Of Wrath": This is the sound of a band firing on all cylinders and it's also the kind of album some musicians have spent their whole career trying to make. "The Bowls Of Wrath's" campy, over-the-top delivery is a welcome refreshment that in no way detracts from their otherwise potent, über-groovy, Bolt Thrower-influenced death metal and the songs themselves, which are easily the best collection that POSTMORTEM have put their name to.
Many tried to put a label on ZEMIAL's music, and many failed. Because the truth is ZEMIAL managed to create their very own and unique style, by melting together early Black Metal, Thrash Metal, Epic and Heavy Metal, with elements of Avantgarde and Psychedelic Rock. So basically there is no other band around that sounds like ZEMIAL, and at the same time we can't say that ZEMIAL sounds like any other band. Live on our stage for the very first time!
Five Doom/Death songs comprising sixty minutes of music is a risky proposition that lives and dies by one thing: riffs. If you're going to write songs that average out to twelve minutes in length, the riffs contained within had better be interesting, dynamic, and, of course, crushing. Germany's OPHIS, comprised of members from various German metal bands including Thränenkind, Sakramortem, and Fäulnis, present us with an hour of metal in the form of five doom/death songs on "Abhorrence in Opulence" (2014), their third full-length album and follow-up to 2010's solid "Withered Shades". This raises an obvious question: did OPHIS write both the riffs and songs necessary to make repeated spins of "Abhorrence in Opulence" worthwhile? The answer, thankfully, is yes. See this monster of Funeral Doom live at Party.San Metal Open Air.
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