PALISADES: Releasing New Album 'Mind Games' January 13

Rise Records is excited to announce the release of Palisades' second full-length album, Mind Games, […]
December 5, 2014

Rise Records is excited to announce the release of Palisades' second full-length album, Mind Games, coming January 13, 2015. The six-piece have become well known for their "electronic hardcore" sound after their first album, Outcasts, and Mind Games is sure to continue the hype. Fans will be able to pre-order the album here:

The band has captured a notable list of guest appearances on Mind Games, including blackbear, Champs and Garret Rapp. The album was produced by Erik Ron (Motionless In White, Crown The Empire, Hands Like Houses) and mixed by Pete Rutcho (The Ghost Inside, Falling in Reverse).

Palisades are changing the game with their own twist on electronic and metalcore genres. They have gained an impressive following since the release of Outcasts, and have shown that they are just getting started. Mind Games is sure to please both old fans and newcomers, alike.

Track Listing

• Player Hater's Ball feat. blackbear
• No Chaser
• Bad Girls
• Mind Games feat. Champs
• Whatever You Want It To Be
• Afraid
• People Like Us feat. Garret Rapp
• Like A Drug
• True Blood
• Come Over And Watch Netflix

Earshot Media
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