PALE BLUE MOON: Irish Goth Rockers Announce New Album
July 8, 2020
Following on from the success of their debut album, Irish goth rockers Pale Blue Moon are set to release their latest album "The Pleasure Of Finding Things Out" on July 27th!
Pale Blue Moon have had a wild few years. They crashed into the iTunes Ireland Rock charts at number two with their debut single 'Supernatural' last year and the accompanying music video has already surpassed half a million views on YouTube to date. This went on to securing national coverage in their native Ireland, with the likes of Hot Press and The Irish Independent praising the band's success.
You can find a link to the video for 'Supernatural' here:

The band worked with American producer Brian Sperber (Moby, Feeder, Madonna, Stain'd) and the collaboration delivered a huge sound with epic songs for their yet-to-be released debut album. Each member of the group has had success previously with other groups and singer Shane Kelly, approached each of them with the idea of forming a new partnership, which soon morphed into Pale Blue Moon.
Previously they toured with Shane MacGowan and the Popes, touring extensively across Ireland, the UK, Scandinavia and the USA.
During the production of the album, singer Shane Kelly shockingly suffered two strokes, but undeterred Shane completed mixing the album from his hospital bed via Skype, luckily Shane made a full recovery. He went on to appear in a documentary on the topic with RTE, the Irish national broadcaster.
The band's live show has grown from strength to strength and now they are poised to release the second single from the album.
Mixing a dark and compelling mix of influences and imagery, Pale Blue Moon bring an interesting twist to the Goth Rock genre and we urge you to check them out.
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