OMINOUS SCRIPTURES: Sign with Willowtip Records.

Belarus brutal death metallers OMINOUS SCRIPTURES have inked a deal with well known U.S. label […]
August 28, 2018

Belarus brutal death metallers OMINOUS SCRIPTURES have inked a deal with well known U.S. label Willowtip Records to release their sophomore album "The Fall of the Celestial Throne" featuring 9 tracks of pure Dark Blasting Brutality!

Formed in 2013, Ominous Scriptures' full-length debut, "Incarnation of the Unheavenly", was released in 2015 via Permeated Records. "The Fall of the Celestial Throne" will bring you back to the early 2000s and their new album will be the must-have for everyone who is into Brutal Death Metal!

For classic works of Deeds Of Flesh, Severed Savior and Hate Eternal enthusiasts!

Band comments:

"What a pleasure to be part of allmighty Willowtip roster! We promise new release will be a real step forward for the band, except some low-tuned dark technical brutality! The album is on mixing stage!"

OMINOUS SCRIPTURES's current lineup:

Andrey Pilipenko - Bass
Sergey Liakh - Guitars, Vocals
Paweł Nałęcki - Vocals
Pavlon Vilchytski - Drums

Epidemic Agency
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