NOCTEM: Touring Asia, Announcing New Line-Up, Receiving Awards
February 6, 2015
After receiving a great response from their followers & the international press and 3 European tours presenting their latest release"Exilium",Noctemproudly announce the band will be touring Asia from March to April 2015 in a headlining tour, entitled"Exilium Asian Assault 2015", where the band will present their latest opus to the Asian audience.
"Exilium"was released in Asia the past December 31st of 2014 throughMort Productions!
"Exilium Asian Assault 2015"will be composed by the following dates:
3.25 ' Beijing / MAO Livehouse
3.27 ' Chengdu / Pocket Pub
3.28 ' Chongqing / Nuts Club
3.30 ' Kunming / Live Bar
4.01 ' Changsha / 4698 Livehouse
4.02 ' Wuchang / VOX
4.03 ' Zhongshan
4.04 ' Shenzhen
4.05 ' Guangzhou
4.06 ' Urumqi / Yue Livehouse
4.07 ' Bole / Voice Livehouse
4.09 ' Wuwei / South Lane Bar
4.10 ' Xining / TZD
4.11 ' Lanzhou / City Light Livehouse
4.12 ' Yinchuan / Livehouse
4.13 ' Taiyuan / Musichouse
4.14 ' Beijing / MAO Livehouse
Just one month before these dates,Noctemwill perform in their native city (Valencia, Spain) February 20th 2015, where the band will present their new line up, composed by Beleth, Exo and 3 new members (Rhythm guitar, Bass & Drums). Parting ways withUlandVhertin an absolutely friendly way.
"Exilium", the latest opus of the band,has received several awards as One of theBest Releases in 2014by the specialized press:
Best Albums in 2014byPandemonium Tv
Best Albums in 2014byMetal Descent"
Eidolon" between the 10 most gory videos in
"The Adamantine Doors" between the 100 Best Heavy Metal songs in 2014byMetal Descent
Best Albums in 2014byThe Noise Hour"Eidolon"
#5 in the Top Videos in 2014byHeadbangers LatinoAmerica
Band of the Year 2014forMetal Girls in Action
Best Albums in 2014byNekronos Promotion
Best Albums in
Best Albums in 2014byNecromance
Best Albums in 2014bySubterraneo Heavy
Best Albums in 2014byGlobal Metal Apocalypse
Best Albums in 2014byLa Heavy Magazine(Diva Satanica)
Best Albums in 2014byTrueno Metalico
Best Albums in 2014byMirada Alternativa
Best Albums in 2014byMetalCry
"Exilium"is now available onAGR Online, Itunes, Amazon, Spotifyand also onPlastic Head Distribution, Code 7, TWS Distribution, NonStop Music, Discogs, Violent Journey Records, World Clinicandspecialized stores.
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