NINE SHRINES: Premier New Track "Chain Reaction."

Nine Shrines have unveiled their brand new track Chain Reaction from their upcoming debut studio […]
April 7, 2019

Nine Shrines have unveiled their brand new track Chain Reaction from their upcoming debut studio album Retribution Therapy. Speaking about the new track, drummer Andrew Wetzel explains "This is a song about a person who fucks you over, and they fired the first shot. We're saying, "You have no idea what you've just done." t's a fight song, like two MMA fighters going at it, with lyrics like "get ready for some foul play."

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Nine Shrines blend the most extreme elements of active-rock/metal-core with well-crafted, melodic songwriting. 2017's debut Misery EP (Mascot) with the single/video "King of Mercy" surpassed one million Spotify streams, while SiriusXM Octane kept the song in rotation for six weeks . Touring the US they have shared the stage with Volbeat, Halestorm, Chimaira, Shinedown, All That Remains, and Nonpoint.

This Cleveland quintet arose on the scene in 2014 from the ashes of aggressive 00's Ohio band pedigree: drummer Andrew Wetzel (Attack Attack!), bassist Devon Voisine and lead guitarist Andrew Baylis, (Life on Repeat), rhythm guitarist Even McKeever (Downplay), and singer Chris Parketny (Strangers to Wolves).

Retribution Therapy was produced by Dan Korneff (My Chemical Romance, I Prevail, Pierce The Veil, All that Remains, Papa Roach). The first single "Nimrod" features a ghoulish voodoo-doll-themed video directed by Scott Hansen (Sevendust, Motionless In White, A Day To Remember). Andrew enthuses over the final product: "Working with Dan was a best-case scenario. He cares as much or more than any of us. He's the "X factor" and he's behind us 110%. His level of excitement was so inspiring. He's so emotionally invested - everything we did, he wanted to make it more intense.

"He is all about not settling for just any sound or process that wasn't the very best we can possibly do. Unless the performance was incredible, he was not happy. Dan creates much of his own one-of-a-kind gear, like limiters and compressors, and soldering circuit-boards, to get that sound. He's a huge drum guy, and I think it shows - the mix was incredible."

The pent-up ferocity exorcized on Retribution Therapy feels ready to explode: "We approach these songs with a real sense of catharsis. This is a huge outlet for us to vent. Like onstage, something overtakes you" Chris says.

"This is the only thing I wanna do and can do," Andrew concludes. "Our whole career, everything we've been doing for the last five years, has been building to this record. This is the best thing I've done musically in my life - literally everything has built up to this point. We wanna infect you, and we want you to celebrate the work we've done. I'm over the moon to get this motherfucker out."

Mascot Label Group
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