Nightland - Icarus - The New Video

ROCKSHOTS Music Managementand Symphonic Death Metal BandNIGHTLANDare really glad to present the brand new video"ICARUS",directed […]
January 15, 2015

ROCKSHOTS Music Managementand Symphonic Death Metal BandNIGHTLANDare really glad to present the brand new video"ICARUS",directed by Matteo Ermeti.It's the first single taken from the forthcoming album"OBSESSION", that will be released on February 20th in all digital stores. Watch Video BelowICARUS - Official Video -

Dark, dramatic, sometimes unearthly with majestic musical digressions. The musical concept behind"OBSESSION"is a deep romance concerning the instability of the human mind derived from fears, obsessions and paranoia.

01. Benediction To Madness
02. Dreamless Life
03. ARES
04. Icarus
05. Alpha Et Omega
06. Cradle Of Sufferance
07. Obsession
08. Quod Vita Celat, Mors Revelat
09. Last Dance Of A Treacherous Mind
10. Dreamless Life (Orchestral)The album has been recorded byBrendan Paolini, mixed and mastered bySimone Mularoni(Domination Studios). Release date is scheduled for next February 2015. A Video will be available in January.PRE ORDER OBSESSION ALBUM NOW!

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