NIGHT MISTRESS - Single "Hand Of God" as free download

Taken from their second album "Into The Madness" (to be released via POWER PROG at […]
April 23, 2014

Taken from their second album "Into The Madness" (to be released via POWER PROG at June 20, 2014) !Get the single "Hand Of God" of highly talented Polish Heavy Metal package NIGHT MISTRESS as MP3 for FREE

Available here on POWER PROG's Facebook page
Download it directly from POWER PROG's website
Or listen, download and share the single here from Soundcloud
You're more on YouTube? Then check it out at there
And also availabe on Vimeo

Krzysztof Sokolowski (Vocals)
Arkadiusz Ciesla (Guitar)
Robert Kazanowski (Guitar)
Artur Pochwala (Bass)
Dominik Wójcik (Drums)

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