NIGHT DEMON: Debut Album "Curse Of The Damned" Out 19 January 2015; Stream Of "Killer" Released

Hailing from the city of Ventura an hour north of Los Angeles, Night Demon is […]
December 10, 2014

Hailing from the city of Ventura an hour north of Los Angeles, Night Demon is a classic metal trio comprising Jarvis Leatherby on bass and vocals, Brent Woodward on guitar and Dusty Squires on drums. The band unites the three members' musical inspirations and influences ranging from old-school metal greats such as Iron Maiden, Metallica, Diamond Head, Angel Witch, Riot and Saxon to punk legends The Misfits. But whilst Night Demon's music proudly exhibits these roots, it does so in a manner contemporary with modern times in every aspect, and even in Night Demon's short tenure as an active band since 2012, this quality has compelled first-time listeners to take notice and has made an indelible impact on them.

The Europe tour in spring 2014 saw Night Demon successfully sign a record deal with SPV/Steamhammer for Germany and Europe. Night Demon have completed work on their debut full-length album 'Curse Of The Damned', featuring 11 brand new original tracks, and is slated for an early 2015 release on January 14 (Scandinavia), January 16 (Germany) and January 19 (rest of Europe) as CD, LP and download.

You can hear "Killer" here:

CD version
1. Screams In The Night
2. Curse Of The Damned
3. Satan
4. Full Speed Ahead
5. The Howling Man
6. Heavy Metal Heat
7. Livin' Dangerous
8. Mastermind
9. Run For Your Life
10. Killer
11. Save Me Now

LP version

Side 1
1. Screams In The Night
2. Curse Of The Damned
3. Satan
4. Full Speed Ahead
5. The Howling Man
6. Heavy Metal Heat

Side 2
1. Livin' Dangerous
2. Mastermind
3. Run For Your Life
4. Killer
5. Save Me Now
6. Road Racin`(bonus track)

European Tourdates 2015:
31.01. D-Würzburg - Posthalle (Metal Assault Festival)
07.02. D-Saalfeld - Klubhaus
19.02. PT-Albufeira - Legacy Club
21.02. PT-Cascais - Stairway Club
01.03. F-Montpellier - Secret Place
02.03. F-Marseille - Molotov Club
04.03. I-Bologna - tba
06.03. CH-Sargans - Karibik Bar
07.03. CH-Chur - Palazzo
14.03. D-Potsdam - Club Charlotte
20.03. D-Essen - Turock
21.03. D-Stuttgart - JH Hallschlag
27.03. NL-Den Haag - Musicon
03.04. NL-Stadskanaal - Very Eavy Fest

SPV /Steamhammer
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