NICUMO: Released New Single from Upcoming Album.

Promo pic by Sanna Luoto Nicumo has released a new song from forthcoming third album […]
March 8, 2019

Promo pic by Sanna Luoto

Nicumo has released a new song from forthcoming third album which will be released later this year. Song's name is "Who You Are".

Guitarist/composer Atte Jääskelä comments:

"The songwriting process was perhaps easiest and fastest what I have ever made. Usually it takes time a lot more but necessarily it doesn't make a song better. This song proves the notion above."

Band's domestic gig booking is handled nowadays by booking agency Dex Viihde Oy. On February band started to tour in Finland. On May band will play gigs in Suomi Feast 2019 event in Japan.

Listen to Who You Are single:

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Hannu Karppinen - Vocals
Atte Jääskelä - Guitars
Tapio Anttiroiko- Guitars
Sami Kotila - Bass
Aki Pusa - Drums

Inverse Records
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