NAZARETH: Announce departure of lead singer

Iconic rock band NAZARETH has confirmed that singer Linton Osborne has parted ways with the […]
February 16, 2015

Iconic rock band NAZARETH has confirmed that singer Linton Osborne has parted ways with the band. Bassist and original member Pete Agnew confirmed the news:

"Linton had a very memorable, if short, period with the band and although things didn't work out as well as everyone hoped, we would like to thank him for his contribution and wish him all the best for the future. NAZARETH will of course continue and hope to be back on the road in the very near future with a new singer in place and look forward to the next phase of the band's evolution."

The band are currently filming a documentary about the complete history of NAZARETH - including interviews with legendary singer Dan McCafferty - for release in June 2015 together with a live session filmed in November at Metropolis Studios (Exact release date TBC).

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