NAILGUN MASSACRE: Cover Art, Advance Song & Track List

We can finally reveal the cover art, tracklist and advance song of the 2nd album […]
December 12, 2014

We can finally reveal the cover art, tracklist and advance song of the 2nd album of holland's most bizarre and depraved Death Metal horror freaksNAILGUN MASSACRE, whose release date has been set for the 10th of January 2015 throughXtreem Music.

"Boned, Boxed and Buried" is the title of this magnific second opus that includes 12 songs of an ugly, grotesque and terrifying Death Metal mainly influenced by bands like Autopsy, Impetigo, early Death, Sempiternal Deathreign, Macabre, Pungent Stench and in general the good old school Death Metal with lyrics and imagery dealing with B-Horror movies, zombies, 80ties slashers, rednecks and powertools.

Tracklist for "Boned, Boxed and Buried" is as follows:

01. Where's the Head?
02. Boned, Boxed and Buried
03. Stinky Stench
04. I Bury the Hatched in your Face
05. Meat Locker
06. Nailgun Messiah
07. Casket Full of Fun
08. The Doctor and the Beast
09. Mad Road Killer
10. What's in the Box?
11. Lower Me Down

Check out the officialNAILGUN MASSACREFacebook site listen to this exclusive advance track on the following links:

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Xtreem Music
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