MYRKUR: Shares New Song and Short Film

Hailing from Denmark, carrying a distinct sense of Nordic isolation, one-woman black metal project MYRKUR […]
August 6, 2014

Hailing from Denmark, carrying a distinct sense of Nordic isolation, one-woman black metal project MYRKUR combines the rawness of second wave black metal bands like Ulver and Darkthrone with a natural sonic, ethereal beauty. MYRKUR has created a wholly unique perspective on the genre and her debut, eponymous EP (out September 16th on Relapse) is a feminine yet definitively brutal record that has burst onto the scene like a Valkyrie into battle. Today Noisey debuted her second song "Latvian Fegurö" - "A warm female-vocal chorus over an icy, black-metal passage.."

Look further into the concepts and elements of MYRKUR in her short film (courtesy of Ravelin Magazine) as she shares:

"Nature is a big part of the reason black metal even exists. And all types of pure music that comes from a pure place. The word 'Myrkur' means 'darkness' in Icelandic. The place where there are no boundaries, where no one can hurt me. And when I have sung the screams it, physically hurts but it feels like something is leaving my body. I can't remember it afterwards."

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