MYRKGRAV: New single "Vonde Auer"

Lars Jensen and his one-man FOLK METAL project MYRKGRAV is finally out with new material […]
January 11, 2015

Lars Jensen and his one-man FOLK METAL project MYRKGRAV is finally out with new material ' the independently released digital exclusive single "Vonde Auer":

Listen here:

"Vonde Auer" continues where "Sjuguttmyra", the band's most recent musical effort from 2013, left off.
In other words: old-fashioned Folk Metal in which Jensen blends old and new in a manner distinctly Norwegian ' including extensive use of Norway's national instrument: the Hardanger fiddle, masterfully executed by renowned folk musician Olav Luksengård Mjelva.

Continuing the conceptual lyrical and visual tradition of MYRKGRAV, "Vonde Auer" features lyrics based off of folklore from Ringerike in Norway, Lars Jensen's homelands.

In addition to the regular "Vonde Auer" version (though there is very little regular about it), the release also features a genuine folk music twist wherein the song has been broken down, rewritten and rearranged for the Hardanger fiddle.

If one wouldn't know better, one'd probably think it a centuries old traditional piece of music from a faraway Norwegian fjord village.
Alas, it's simply Jensen and MYRKGRAV continuing with 1000 mile steps towards the most genuine blend of folk music and Metal possible.

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