MOS GENERATOR: Guitar World Premieres New Video "Electric Mountain Majesty"

Washington state hard rock heroesMOS GENERATORreleased their new LPElectric Mountain MajestyonApril 15via Listenable Records. Recorded […]
May 20, 2014

Washington state hard rock heroesMOS GENERATORreleased their new LPElectric Mountain MajestyonApril 15via Listenable Records. Recorded at HeavyHead Recording Company by guitarist / vocalist and renowned engineerTony Reed,Electric Mountain Majestyis the follow-up toMOS GENERATOR's 2012 releaseNomadsand a record that has been hailed as a "heavy, doom-based take on rock and roll" for fans of High on Fire, COC and Down. Today,Guitar Worldpremieres the newMOS GENERATORmusic video -- for the new album's title track -- calling the cut "fuzzy, heady, psychotropic hard rock" and advising music fans to "Break out your pipe and riff-rock slippers, things are about to get weird."SEEthe premiere ofMOS GENERATOR's epic "Electric Mountain Majesty" video viaGuitar WorldatTHIS location

In related news,Revolveris streamingElectric Mountain Majestyfor music fans in its entirety. Rev up your Monday afternoon with a loud dose of the newMOS GENERATORalbum now atTHIS location

A sprawling celebration of heavy amplification, fretboard psychotropics and kick ass heavy rock,Electric Mountain Majestyis unquestionablyMOS GENERATOR's finest hour of its decade-plus existence. From chest-beating metal salvos like the massively loud "Nothing Left But Night" and "Black Magic Mirror" to more nuanced, slow-burning fare like the spellbinding "Enter the Fire" through to colossal closer "Heavy Ritual", the album isan amalgam of nasty and effervescent,alternating between ugly doom tones and lofty emotiveness, resulting in an epic, colorful listen brimming with richly-nuanced, timeless music that drips with melody, muscle and cool.Check out a new interview withMOS GENERATOR'sTony Reedvia The Obelisk now atthis location


Electric Mountain Majesty' is an attempt to fuse our live energy and our usual controlled studio sound into something that I think is a nice forward step in the Mos Generator sound," saysReed. "We didn't over think the writing and recording process and we let more of our unconventional influences creep into the songwriting. In both composition and recording technique, this is the most diverse Mos Generator album to date."

Track Listing:

1.) Beyond the Whip
2.) Nothing Left but Night
3.) Enter the Fire
4.) Spectres
5.) Neon Nightmare

7.) Early Mourning
8.)Electric Mountain Majesty

9.) Black Magic Mirror
10.)Heavy Ritual

MOS GENERATORis:Tony Reed(guitar, vocals),Scooter Haslip(bass) andShawn Johnson(drums). FollowMOS GENERATORonline: Facebook, Bandcamp

MOS GENERATORis available to speak with interested media now. To chat with the band, request a review copy ofElectric Mountain Majesty,simply contact[email=""]Carl Schultz @ ACTION! PR[/email]via any of the means listed below. UpdatedMOS GENERATORnews and tour information will be made available viaACTION! PRonline(website/facebook /twitter ).

"fuzzy, heady, psychotropic hard rock"-GUITAR WORLD

"Mos Generator have been unleashing their heavy, doom-based take on rock and roll for the last 13 years. If you're a fan of High on Fire, Corrosion of Conformity or Down, this is a ritual you'll want to be involved with.- METAL INSIDER

"If there's such a thing as fusing some soul into a doom palette, MOS GENERATOR has achieved that. Seldom will you hear an unambiguous merge between the two outside of BLACK SABBATH's "Sabotage". Tony Reed (guitar, vocals), Scooter Haslip (bass) and Shawn Johnson (drums) have tapped into a loud vibe featuring sinister and coarse nuances yet with something revealing far more heart".- BLABBERMOUTH

"A little bit of Sabbath, a dash of CoC and a whole lotta power make for an exciting ride with Mos Generator's latest offering....Call it Hard Rock, Doom, Stoner Metal, call it whatever the hell you god, does it deliver."- CRAVE ONLINE

"Electric Mountain Majesty is something new from Mos Generator, and though it succeeds in engaging on the same satisfying level of their past outings - they have been and remain among the upper crust of American heavy rock purveyors - it also takes them to a darker place they haven't yet been."-THE OBLEISK

"Mos Generator should be proud of this album as it is another outstanding album from these legendary rockers. I consider this album their finest work to of the must have Hard Rock/Stoner Rock albums of 2014. Simply Unmissable."- SLUDGELORD

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