MOS GENERATOR: Announce Live Album And U.S. Tour

Popular for their incendiary live shows packed with groove and booze, and on the back […]
February 12, 2015

Popular for their incendiary live shows packed with groove and booze, and on the back of the latest studio album success, MOS GENERATOR are now releasing their debut full length live album entitled "In Concert 2007-2014".

Main man Tony Reed reveals its content :
" This release is compiled from five different shows over seven years and is a great representation of what we have sounded like live. It has at least one song from each of our albums and also showcases jams and the evolution of song arrangements from studio to stage. It was a challenge to mix these recording from different shows together to make it seem like one live experience but i think the result captures the energy and chemistry that was happening between the three of us on stage during these years. A few of our finest moments were captured here including songs from Roadburn Festival in 2008 and Freak Valley Festival in 2014. "

Live albums have become quite of a rarity these days but were much revered key albums in the 70s and 80s classic hard rock bands' careers like KISS "Alive" or THIN LIZZY 'Live and Dangerous' among many others, MOS GENERATOR : "In Concert' double live album sounds phenomenal !



Listenable Records
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