MORTIIS: Premieres Video for 'Visions of an Ancient Future.'

Visionary Norwegian artist MORTIIS is preparing for another exciting cycle of his Era I material […]
February 23, 2019

Visionary Norwegian artist MORTIIS is preparing for another exciting cycle of his Era I material and has just launched a new video for the song 'Visions of an Ancient Future' which is taken from his forthcoming album 'Spirit Of Rebellion'. The video was directed and produced by Finnish film maker Ari Savonen who is known for his work for 'Takapihan Pojat: Joulutarina' (2011), 'Törkypukki vol. 2' (2016) and 'Backwood Madness' (2019).

Check out 'Visions of an Ancient Future' here:

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The godfather of dungeon synth.comments:

"I had to fend off a lot of demons to get to this point. They'll be back, they always come back, but at least my vision is no longer clouded...When I was working on re-interpreting my old music for the Cold Meat Industry festival in Stockholm a little over a year ago, I had no idea that I'd eventually create an (almost) new record, nor that a section of it would be used for my first Dungeon Synth video since 1996. But here we are. New video and (almost) new music, and my first Era 1 US tour since 1999".

MORTIIS recently announced his return to North America this year and will be embarking on a 10-date strong trek this Spring which is kicks off on March 28th and finishes on April 7th 2019.

To celebrate the forthcoming tour, MORTIIS is for a limited time only offering free downloads of 24 of MORTIIS (& related projects) digital releases via Bandcamp!

MORTIIS North American tour
MAR 28 Metro Gallery Baltimore MD
MAR 29 Brooklyn Bazaar, New York NY
MAR 30 The Raven, Worcester, MA (Northeast Dungeon Siege)
MAR 31 Petit Campus, Montreal QC
APR 01 Velvet Underground, Toronto ON
APR 02 The Forge, Joilet, IL
APR 04 El Corazon, Seattle, WA
APR 05 Hawthorne Theatre, Portland, OR
APR 06 Oakland Metro, Oakland CA
APR 07 Lodge Room, Los Angeles CA

Nee Cee Agency
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