Morti Viventi - Full album streaming NOW!‏

The zombie apocalypse has finally arrived! Run for cover, the new album from MORTI VIVENTI […]
February 7, 2015

The zombie apocalypse has finally arrived! Run for cover, the new album from MORTI VIVENTI is streaming in full (and available to download) a week before the official release date of 14th February. Those wanting to download the full album can get it at a cheaper price for this week only as well.
Prepare yourselves and listen here:

Pre-orders for CDs have gone amazingly well, and this albums has becomes the labels bestselling release (based on numbers purchased through pre-orders) to date, a fantastic achievement for this one man thrash metal maniac! Those still wanting a cd, please be quick as there aren't many available left now, get yours here:

Mörti Viventi ' The Day The Dead Returned | UKEM Records

UKEM Records
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