MONUMENTS ' announce European tour with Protest The Hero, playing Download Festival

While putting the final tweaks to their upcoming album which is roughly scheduled to be […]
March 21, 2014

While putting the final tweaks to their upcoming album which is roughly scheduled to be out in the summer UK's MONUMENTS can announce being special guests on the upcoming tour of Protest The Hero.

w/ Protest The Hero
22.06.14 (E) Bilbao - Kafe Antzokia
24.06.14 (I) Pinarella di Cervia - RockPlanet
25.06.14 (D) Stuttgart - Universum
26.06.14 (NL) Utrecht - Helling (Tivoli)
27.06.14 (D) Bochum - Matrix
30.06.14 (D) Munich - Backstage
01.07.14 (H) Budapest - Budapest Park
02.07.14 (SK) Bratislava - Randal Club
03.07.14 (PL) Warsaw - Progresja

MONUMENTS are also confirmed for the renowned Download Festival in UK.

Stay tuned for more news soon!

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